Plot: Mozaffar's Garden is a 2006 Iranian satire television series. It was directed by Mehran Modiri, who also narrates and stars as the title character. It ran from 1 September to 15 October 2006, with reruns continuing through 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Bitter Coffee is a historical comedy series directed by Mehran Modiri and produced by the Aghagolian brothers. Three episodes are released at a time on three VCD or one DVD, priced in Iran at 25000 rials. The first set of episodes were released on 23 Shahrivar 1389. Wikipedia
Plot: On Tiptoes is an Iranian television comedy serial. It was broadcast for the first time by the IRIB on Thursday 10 September 2002 until Thursday 10 January 2003. It could usually be seen every night at 8:00 p.m. Tehran time on Tehran TV, also known as Channel 5 in Iran. Wikipedia
Plot: Barareh Nights is a 2005 Iranian satire television series broadcast by the IRIB network. The series ended after 92 episodes; the storyline of Barareh was not complete. It aired in Iran daily at 8:00 p.m. Tehran time on Channel 3. Rebroadcast outside of the country was daily on IRIB 1 and IRIB 2. Wikipedia...