Plot: This hour-long series takes viewers on a cross-country culinary race, as chefs Chris Cosentino and Aarón Sanchez compete against two local foodies in a different city each episode. Each team begins with a clue leading them to their first epicurean challenge, and once they complete five of them (...
Plot: Chef/restaurateur Aarón Sánchez specializes in Latin cuisine and uses the knowledge in this series that finds him exploring Hispanic foods in major U.S. cities. In each episode, Sánchez visits a city to explore the local taco scene, visiting eateries and talking to chefs, families and locals...
Plot: Chefs Aarón Sanchez and Roger Mooking aren't afraid of a little spice in their food. In fact, they seek it out. The duo hits the road on an odyssey looking for some of the most-delicious, spicy food in the country, and they then try to figure out why the dishes are so fun to eat. After discovering...
Plot: Ten of America's top chefs compete to join the ranks of Food Network's venerable Iron Chefs. Challenges will cover a variety of world cultures and cuisines, and involve myriad exotic ingredients -- like jellyfish -- and each week one chef will be sent home. The chef who wins the day will take a place...
Plot: A look at what celebrity chefs and Food Network hosts like to eat when the cameras stop rolling. Each episode of the series will delve into some of the network stars' favorite food spots and the meals that they would travel thousands of miles to have again. They dish on fantastic desserts, the best...
Plot: Four chefs compete against each other in a three-round contest using random ingredients provided to them, with the goal of making delicious and presentable dishes.