Plot: In 1960s Chicago, Lt. Mike Torello and the members of his Major Crime Unit carry on a near-epic battle against organized crime figures such as Ray Luca.
Plot: A story of a blue octopus and his dog that looks like a hotdog, named Weenie, and their friends like Daisy the daisy, and Henry the penguin. They go on adventures in their town that usually involves a problem that needs to be solved. A story of a blue octopus and his dog that looks like a hotdog, named...
Plot: The American Broadcasting Company coined the term after school special in 1972 with a series of television films, usually dealing with controversial or socially relevant issues, that were generally broadcast in the late afternoon and meant to be viewed by school-age children, particularly teenagers...
Plot: With a dry sense of humour and the insight one gains with maturity, a grown-up Kevin provides funny commentary on himself as a young boy trying to cope with the bizarre world of a teenager.
Plot: The Diffy family left on vacation from the year 2121 but their rented time machine malfunctioned and they were thrown into the year 2004. Now Lloyd, his part-robotic wife Barbara, and his kids Phil and Pim, are forced to pretend to be a normal family in suburban Pickford. Phil befriends Keely Teslow...
Plot: Dean Sanderson, a Hollywood television star, decides to move back to his home town and work as a lawyer in his family's law firm after the TV series on which he acts as a lawyer gets cancelled.
Plot: CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from December 1978 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and was changed during the 1984รข85 season. The concept was similar to ABC's Afterschool Special. Wikipedia...
Plot: Harlem Globetrotters is a Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera and CBS Productions, featuring animated versions of players from the famous basketball team of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: This mystery-drama is created by best-selling thriller writer Harlan Coben, and written by Danny Brocklehurst. The story follows a group of four childhood friends as they try to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of their fifth member, who went missing 20 years ago. After a devastating incident...
Plot: South London parents Pete and Sue Brockman struggle to get through the day raising three rambunctious children in this British comedy series that earns high marks for its improvisational dialogue and frequent celebration of life's more mundane moments. Eldest son Jake suffers growing pains and is constantly...
Plot: Holidaze: The Christmas That Almost Didn't Happen is an American stop-motion animated Christmas television special directed by David H. Brooks, and produced by BixPix Entertainment, Once Upon a Frog and Madison Street Entertainment, originally aired in 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Estranged brothers Mitch and Jody Crumb reunite in their small hometown when their mother, Suzanne, is discharged from a mental hospital. They aren't sure how she'll react when she discovers that her ex-husband is about to have a baby with his new girlfriend. After all, when she found out about his...