Plot: A powerful lyrical story about the sergeant of the former Yugoslav Army Zika Kurjak, from childhood in miners' home, through military days, to severe depression, imprisonment and the metropolitan madness. Kurjak, the personification of human kindness, who is impaired and disturbed, as an old and ornate...
Plot: Otpisani is a famous Serbian TV series, that was very popular in former Yugoslavia, originally airing in 1974. Due to its popularity, Radio Television of Serbia has shown reruns of the series eleven times, the last rerun starting in 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: NemanjiÄ Dynasty: The Birth Of The Kingdom is a Serbian historical drama television series about the Serbian medieval dynasty NemanjiÄi. The pilot episode aired on December 31, 2017, as a special episode for New Year's Eve, and the series premiered on Radio Television of Serbia on...
Plot: South Wind is a Serbian crime drama television series from 2020. It stars MiloÅ¡ BikoviÄ, Miodrag RadonjiÄ, Miki ManojloviÄ and MiloÅ¡ TimotijeviÄ in main roles. The eponymous film from 2018 makes for the first four episodes of the seriesâ² first season...
Plot: This adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's final unfinished novel is set in 1930s Hollywood, an era darkened by the Depression and the growing influence of Hitler. Written and directed by Billy Ray, the series centers on Monroe Stahr (Matt Bomer), a handsome and talented studio executive whose career...
Plot: SreÄni ljudi is a Serbian TV series that aired from 1993 to 1996. Created by the Radiotelevision Belgrade it is the first Serbian TV show ever produced after the breakup of Yugoslavia. Wikipedia
Plot: Throughout the series follows the stories, lives and adventures of a group of military cadets after their reception at a military academy where starting with education for military pilots.
Plot: VratiÄe se rode is a Serbian television series. Broadcast on B92 television in Serbia, it premiered on November 9, 2007. The series is directed by Goran GajiÄ and written by Nikola PejakoviÄ along with Ranko BožiÄ while 4 episodes were co-written between the two...
Plot: Zivota, a wealthy man, tries to do something with his lazy son's life. His son tries to back off, but once he gets a successful cafe, he becomes interested.
Plot: Složna braÄa is a 1995 Serbian television comedy miniseries. Created and written by Nele KarajliÄ and directed by Oleg NovkoviÄ, KarajliÄ, and Nikola PejakoviÄ the series achieved sizable popularity. Wikipedia