Monty Halls and...
Description: Monty Halls is a British TV broadcaster and marine biologist best known for his BBC Great Escape series Monty Halls' Great Escape, Monty Halls' Great Hebridean Escape and Monty Halls' Great Irish Escape, during which he lived and worked in remote parts of the UK and Ireland with his dog Reuben. Wikipedia
Genre: TV personality
Born: 1966 (age 54Β years), Exeter, United Kingdom
Spouse: Tamsyn Smith (m. 2015)
Education: University of Plymouth (1999)
Children: Isla Grace Halls
Books: My Family and the Galapagos, Beachcomber Cottage, MORE
Genre: TV personality
Born: 1966 (age 54Β years), Exeter, United Kingdom
Spouse: Tamsyn Smith (m. 2015)
Education: University of Plymouth (1999)
Children: Isla Grace Halls
Books: My Family and the Galapagos, Beachcomber Cottage, MORE