Plot: After scoring a hit with a series set in the 1960s, AMC travels much further back in time for `TURN: Washington's Spies',' a Revolutionary War-era drama based on the same-named Alexander Rose novel. The series goes beyond the battlefront to a conflict involving everyday men and women, taking place in...
Plot: Life is anything but normal for Gortimer and his two best friends, Ranger and Mel, as they navigate Normal Street - an ordinary suburb that has a hint of something magical just beneath the surface.
Plot: A camping trip to mysterious Mako Island turns out to be much more than that for outdoorsy teen Zac. Unknown to him, the island is actually the domain of a pod of mermaids, three of whom -- Sirena, Nixie and Lyla -- should be guarding the Moon Pool. But they neglect their duties, and Zac falls in. The...