Plot: SuperStar Search Slovakia was a casting television show based on the popular British show Pop Idol. The show was a contest to determine the best young singer in Slovakia and was shown by the national TV network STV from season 1 & 2. Season 3 was broadcast by private TV-channel MarkÃza. Wikipedia...
Plot: Äesko Slovensko má talent is a Czech-Slovak reality television series. It is televised talent show competition which started in August 2010 and originated from the Got Talent franchise. The show is a Thames production distributed by FremantleMedia and is produced in association with Syco...
Plot: Tvoja tvár znie povedome is a reality television series that is aired on MarkÃza. It is both based on the Endemol format Your Face Sounds Familiar and an adaptation of the Spanish "Tu cara me suena." The first season consisted of eight celebrities. The show was first aired on March 6, 2016. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dance-loving celebrities compete against each other with a professional dance partner. Every week, a couple has to leave the show by audience vote.
Plot: Searching for answers about a beloved amulet, three friends shape-shift into cats and explore a wicked world of thrilling and not-so-chilling adventures.
Plot: When an earthquake in Turkey reveals a hidden palace, H.E.L.P. sends its best archeologists to the scene to uncover its secrets. But they aren't exploring for long when disaster strikes. Now you get to join the rescue team to find them. But be careful, the palace of the infamous Poison King holds many...