Plot: The series revolves around Juliet Miller whose life is turned upside down after an incident that leaves her family fighting for life, love and survival.
Plot: First aired in 2003, the four-part miniseries dramatizes the notorious actions of four Cambridge University students who are recruited in 1934 to spy for Russia. The larger-than-life Englishmen - Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Harold `Kim' Philby and Anthony Blunt - betray their country by passing vital...
Plot: Swedish detective Kurt Wallander investigates a series of murders in the south of the country, near Skane, uncovering corruption at the heart of the Swedish establishment. The drama is adapted from the novels by Henning Mankell.
Plot: The creative skills of comedy writers, animators and voice talents are on display in `Triptank'. The half-hour series showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting shorts delivered in a variety of animation styles, with a cast of contributors including Wayne Brady, Bob Odenkirk, Curtis Armstrong...
Plot: When the UK elections in 2010 results in a hung parliament, the leaders of the nation's three main parties try to work together to form a functioning government despite their conflicting beliefs.
Plot: A docudrama tracing the events at Dunkirk in 1940, during the height of World War Two. The soldiers were in danger, and many awaited the rescue mission by small boats from back home.
Plot: With an intention to convince the British voters to leave the European Union, political strategist Dominic Cummings decides to start a controversial campaign.
Plot: King Richard is called upon to settle a dispute between his cousin Henry Bolingbroke and Thomas Mowbray. Richard calls for a duel but then halts it just before swords clash. Both men are banished from the realm.
Plot: Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking brings his vision of the universe to the screen for the first time, combining cutting-edge effects, digitally enhanced NASA footage and live action to delve into such topics as how the universe began, whether life exists on other planets, and whether our galaxy has...
Plot: Reclusive mathematician Stephen Ezard returns to England to attend the funeral of his brother Michael, an aid worker killed by a landmine in Afghanistan. He finds a world that has changed subtly but significantly from the one he left and feels like an outsider.
Plot: To the Ends of the Earth is the name given to a trilogy of nautical, relational novelsu2014Rites of Passage, Close Quarters, and Fire Down Below u2014by British author William Golding. Wikipedia
Plot: Stephen Lewis, a successful writer of children's books, is confronted with the unthinkable when his only child disappears in a supermarket. Stephen and his wife, Julie, quickly find themselves torn apart by the scale of their loss.
Plot: Set during the dying days of the Edwardian era and the end of the first world war, `Parade's End' follows the conflicted relationship between conservative English aristocrat Christopher Tietjens, his beautiful but headstrong wife, Sylvia, and fearless young suffragette Valentine Wannop. The five-part...
Plot: Patrick Melrose is a man from a very privileged yet traumatic childhood in the 1980s. Patrick's father was a very abusive man, and Patrick's mother put up with his behavior. Eventually, Patrick's childhood led him down a path into addiction and severe substance abuse in New York. "Patrick Melrose"...
Plot: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson investigate a mysterious ghostly bride who appears to have committed murder from beyond the grave. Mrs Ricoletti's ghost now appears to be prowling the streets with a thirst for revenge.