Plot: This is an edgy hidden camera show in which seven senior citizens, played by actors, are the protagonists. They go into the streets with only one mission, to pull pranks on young people.
Plot: What If? is a sketch show. Each sketch begins with a question. Each question begins with "what if". "WHAT IF?" is a roller coaster of sketches that immerses you in life as it almost could be. What If? is a sketch show. Each sketch begins with a question. Each question begins with "what if". What if...
Plot: Zone Stad was a popular Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Antwerp. The show started in 2003 and ended in 2013. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as realistically as possible. Wikipedia
Plot: Long running TV soap that focuses on the inhabitants of Wittekerke, a fictional village at the North Sea coast of Belgium. Wittekerke is a long running soap about life in an imaginary Flemish North Sea coast resort of that name. During 15 years many characters appear and most disappear sooner or later...