Plot: Buck Roquette, Tim Chessmat, and Vicky Risk are drone-loving students at an elite tech school, the Hawkings Academy. They combine their talents to build a drone like no other: DroniX.
Plot: When awkward pre-teen Hunter and her patch-work family enter into a life of new-found celebrity and move to a posh neighborhood, she is distraught. She hates this snobbish village filled with brats and bullies. To make matters worse, her stepfather hires a nanny, Farah, to look after the kids while...
Plot: What is exclusion really like? A look, a comment, the lack of likes, a snap group you were not included or a birthday party you were not invited to: bullying is often invisible. Far too many kids and teens experience it each and every day. When her best friend Arin is welcomed into a friend group of...
Plot: A norwegian comedy series about kids that goes on SFO a free school day. Then the kids does many things weird while their teacher Norah is around. Sometimes the guy that works in the SFO: Kåre who is quirky and funny. The kids have fun. A norwegian comedy series about kids that goes on SFO a free school...