Plot: This mockumentary follows an incompetent UK border control department based in the fictional Northend Airport. Inspired by immigration issues in Britain at the time of filming, this comedy touches on the topic with light-hearted humour. In charge of the unit is Chief Inspector Proctor who leads the...
Plot: Love in Time is an Hong Kong supernatural television drama produced by Ricky Wong's CTI, and is the company's first television drama since its establishment. The drama follows the love story between a cold 224-year-old vampire and a young human girl. A press conference was held on 9 May 2012. Wikipedia...
Plot: To Be or Not to Be, formerly titled Hakka Women is a 2014 television series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. The first episode premiered on December 12, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Beyond the Rainbow is a 2015 Hong Kong slice of life drama television series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. The series was condensed into 15 episodes from 30. The first episode premiered on 12 May 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Paranormal Mind is a 2015 Hong Kong supernatural crime thriller series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. The first episode premiered on 3 September 2015. It is the last series to air for HKTV. Wikipedia
Plot: Once Upon a Song, is a 2015 musical drama television series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. The first episode premiered on January 16, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Set in the law office of Masonesque attorney Arthur Adams, this crime/suspense serial attempted to emulate the success of CBS's "The Edge of Night". Arthur's first-and-only case involved beautiful physician Kate Logan, who was falsely accused of causing a patient's death. By the end of the serial's...
Plot: Karma is an American competitive children's web series hosted by Michelle Khare. It premiered on HBO Max on June 18, 2020. For unknown reasons, the show was removed from HBO Max September 1, 2020 and isn't currently available to view. Wikipedia
Plot: Incredible Mama, is a 2015 superhero action comedy television series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. Originally 25 episodes, the series was condensed into 9. The first episode premiered on February 9, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: The Wicked League is a 2015 Hong Kong sitcom series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. The first episode premiered on 22 June 2015. Wikipedia