Plot: Anatomist Joy Reidenberg and veterinarian Mark Evans present this four-part series about the reproductive behaviors and biology of elephants, orangutans, kangaroos and dolphins. Each episode features an in-depth examination of how these animals mate, give birth and raise their offspring in their natural...
Plot: Presenters Lucy Cooke and Colin Stafford-Johnson explore the United Kingdom's wild side and reveal the wildlife that thrives there. Spanning cities, mountains, seas, forests, rivers and more, the UK teems with wildlife hidden from the public eye. Over the course of the series, Colin and Lucy learn...
Plot: David Attenborough investigates the evolution of nature's flight in this documentary series. Using 3D macroscopic and high-speed filming techniques, the programme captures flying mammals, reptiles and insects, as well as birds from all over the world. Attenborough travels from Scotland to Borneo to...
Plot: Veterinarian Mark Evans uses modern technology to tackle three predators: the white shark, Nile crocodile and polar bear. In Western Australia, sharks have killed seven people within a three-year span; in Hudson Bay, polar bears have caused havoc in isolated villages; and in Namibia's Chobe River,...
Plot: Michaela Strachan has lived in her adopted home of Cape Town, South Africa, for 10 years, more than enough time for the penguins on the peninsula to have found a special place in her heart. `The Great Penguin Rescue' follows the wildlife presenter and conservation enthusiast's efforts to help save...
Plot: Off the southern coast of Australia lies the famous Phillip Island, home to thousands of penguins coming every summer to breed. One summer, Simon Target films the daily adventures of several penguin families.
Plot: Suffolk-based farmer Jimmy Doherty is the presenter of this programme in which he takes viewers on an outdoor adventure inside a pristine Norfolk woodland. The country boy is in his element high above the ground in a spectacular tree house that is equipped with suspended walkways, zip lines and a science...
Plot: Dr. Neil Shubin reveals the 3.5 billion-year history of human physique and the ancient characters that made it what it is today in this three-part scientific adventure series. Based on Shubin's book of the same name, the series tackles such questions as why the human body is so complicated, why it...