Plot: Space: Above and Beyond is an American science fiction television show that originally aired on Fox, created and written by Glen Morgan and James Wong. Originally planned for five seasons, it ran only for the single 1995â1996 season, due to low ratings. It was nominated for two Emmy...
Plot: A devastating meditation on the human cost of war, this animated tale follows Seita (Tsutomu Tatsumi), a teenager charged with the care of his younger sister, Setsuko (Ayano Shiraishi), after an American firebombing during World War II separates the two children from their parents. Their tale of survival...
Plot: Nuremberg is a 2000 Canadian/United States television docudrama, based on the book Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial by Joseph E. Persico, that tells the story of the Nuremberg trials. Wikipedia
Plot: On the Nameless Height also known in English as On an Unnamed Hill and Unidentified Heights, is a Russian-Belarusian 2004 television film in four parts, set in 1944 in the Second World War. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on a true story, this film finds Gen. George S. Patton (George C. Scott) working a desk job for the U.S. military after World War II. In the midst of dealing with the difficulty of adapting to his dramatic change of lifestyle, Patton is involved in an auto wreck that leaves him in critical condition...
Plot: A young student seeks quiet and solitude to focus on an important work but ends up as the teacher of a peculiar boy who is home-schooled by his parents in an isolated bunker mansion. THE BUNKER is a dark, twisted, and funny tale about childhood, growing up and education. A young student seeks quiet...
Plot: Over Here is a 2-part television miniseries made in 1996 by the BBC for BBC1 from 7 to 8 April 1996, this comedy-drama miniseries chronicling the lives of US Army Air Corps B-17 Flying Fortress bomber crews on a Royal Air Force Spitfire base during World War II. Samuel West starred as the RAF pilot...
Plot: Documentary telling the full story of World War II with the aid of rare and unseen archive footage, recently released official documents, modern colourisation techniques, state-of-the-art satellite-delivered terrain mapping and graphics.
Plot: A semi-fictionalized account of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-African-American Air Force squadron during World War II, the film centers on ambitious young pilot Hannibal Lee (Laurence Fishburne). Despite initial reticence by higher ranking white officers, Lee, along with Walter Peoples (Allen...
Plot: Bomber Harris is a 1989 BBC television drama biography based on the life of Arthur Harris, who was Commander-in-chief of RAF Bomber Command during the Second World War. Wikipedia
Plot: A semi-fictionalized account of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-African-American Air Force squadron during World War II, the film centers on ambitious young pilot Hannibal Lee (Laurence Fishburne). Despite initial reticence by higher ranking white officers, Lee, along with Walter Peoples (Allen...
Plot: The film covers the period from just before Curtin became Prime Minister until the return of the 6th and 7th Divisions to Australia at the start of the Pacific war.
Plot: Im Namen des Gesetzes is a German television series. It follows the work of Berlin based criminal police officers and public prosecutors. Wikipedia
Plot: Stolberg is a German detective television series which ran from 2006 until 2013 on ZDF, starring Düsseldorf chief inspector Martin Stolberg. The series is more serious and less flashy than other contemporary German detective series. Wikipedia
Plot: Die Bienen â Tödliche Bedrohung is a 2008 German television horror film directed by Michael Karen and stars Janin Reinhardt, Rolf Kanies, and Sonja Kirchberger. Wikipedia
Plot: Stauffenberg is a 2004 GermanoâAustrian TV film by Das Erste, about Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and the 20 July 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. The film was first broadcast on 25 February 2004 on German TV. Wikipedia