Plot: Jacques and Francine, an estranged couple who lost their daughter, embark on a quest to learn the truth and form an association to offer support to the friends and family of missing persons.
Plot: Virginie was a French-language Canadian television series that aired Monday through Thursday on Radio-Canada. It debuted in 1996. The show examined the public and private lives of teachers, students, and families at the fictional Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc high school. Wikipedia
Plot: Anémone has to leave a life of violence, leaving behind her 3 young children. Lise, a kind-hearted lady, welcomed her into her home. Under a new identity, Anémone, flows for happier days surrounded by her children from a second union. At 53, Anémone learns that she suffers from early Alzheimer'...
Plot: Journaliste vedette de l'information télévisée, Louis-Bernard Lapointe a vu sa brillante carrière péricliter à cause de son penchant pour la dive bouteille. Il a perdu le feu sacré et c'est sans enthousiasme qu'il se rend dans une petite ville isolée du Nord québécois, Grande Ourse. De fait...
Plot: Successful Hollywood plastic surgeon Sydney Hansen returns home to Providence, Rhode Island to try to keep her dysfunctional family together with the help of her mother's friendly ghost. She also finds work with the local free clinic. Dr. Sydney Hansen, a successful plastic surgeon in Hollywood, California...
Plot: In the shadow of the Monmouth Rebellion, the rural plains of Exmoor are host to their own battles. Exmoor is the domain of the Doones, a lawless and ruthless family of fallen nobles who rule the area savagely, thieving and killing whoever stands in the way. It's here that the peasant farmer John Ridd...
Plot: -"Scoop" is a 52-episode (45-minute, in four seasons) Quebec television series created by Fabienne Larouche and Réjean Tremblay and aired from January 8, 1992 to April 6, 1995 on Télévision de Radio-Canada. "Scoop" is set in the universe of a major daily newspaper in Montreal (Canada), 'L'Express...
Plot: Carte Blanche is a South African investigative journalism television series that airs on M-Net during prime time viewing on Sunday nights, currently at 19:00. Wikipedia
Plot: Les Filles de Caleb is a Quebec TV series of 20 one-hour episodes, created by Jean Beaudin, based on the eponymous novel of Arlette Cousture, broadcast in 1990 on Radio-Canada and repeated in 2006 on Prise 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Série présentée par Pierre Nadeau. 'Les grands procès' propose une reconstitution dramatique des témoignages, des plaidoyers et des verdicts rendus dans le cadre de procès québécois qui ont fait la manchette et captivé l'opinion publique. 'Les grands procès', des histoires vraies, celles de...