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Genre: Film Year Released: 1983 First episode air date: 1983 Awards: Prix Italia for TV u2013 RAI Prize for Fiction Initial Release: 1983 Director: Lars Molin Screenplay: Lars Molin
Plot: The Tattooed Widow is a Swedish Emmy Award winning TV movie from 1998, written and directed by Lars Molin. The film is centered on the 60 plus woman Ester, played by Mona Malm. Ester is living in a somewhat failed marriage where she is expected to take care of the household and be a good grandmother...
Plot: The performing arts anthology series brings best from the worlds of music and dance into viewers' living rooms. From classical music and opera to ballet and musical theater, cameras capture the stage performances of some of the best artists in the world.
Plot: In Roman-ruled Britain, a young Roman soldier endeavors to honor his father's memory by finding his lost legion's golden emblem. In 140 AD, twenty years after the unexplained disappearance of the entire Ninth Legion in the mountains of Scotland, young centurion Marcus Aquila (Tatum) arrives from Rome...
Plot: Allt för Sverige is a Swedish Emmy-award-winning reality show based on the original Norwegian format The Great Norway Adventure, also called Alt for Norge. The first season of Allt för Sverige was shown on Sveriges Television SVT1 from 30 October 2011 to 18 December 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: The Truth About Marika, is a transmedia production by Sveriges Television and The company P in cooperation with SICS and Interactive Institute. It is an alternate reality game and a TV-series, created by Anders Weidemann, Martin Ericsson and Daniel Lägersten. Wikipedia
Plot: "The Miracle of Life" was an episode produced by Nova about the human reproductive process. The episode won multiple awards including a Peabody and an Emmy. Photographed by Lennart Nilsson, the program was originally aired in Sweden as "The Saga of Life." Wikipedia