Plot: Young fairy princess Holly and her best friend, Ben Elf, live in Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass grow above the tallest towers. Being a princess, Holly has magical powers, but her attempts at magic often go awry -- but that is to be expected because even her fairy teacher, Nanny...
Plot: During the day, Amaya, Connor and Greg lead totally normal lives, but they transform into superheroes during the night and use their powers to fight villains and solve mysteries.
Plot: Peppa, an outgoing preschool pig, participates in many energetic activities. She learns something new every day and has a lot of fun with her family and friends.
Plot: The first series inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger, son of the original programme's Daniel Striped Tiger. Every day Daniel puts on his red sweater, ties his shoes, and invites a new generation of preschoolers into the Neighbourhood...
Plot: This show follows the adventures of animated versions of brothers Chris and Martin Kratt, hosts of such educational shows as "Kratts' Creatures" and "Zoboomafoo." In the show, the animated Kratts encounter wild animals during stories of adventure and mystery. The live-action Kratt brothers introduce...
Plot: A youngster named Sid, who aspires to a career in stand-up comedy, pitches a morning monologue to his st■ animals that hinges on a burning question (such as "Why do bananas get brown spots?"), then spends the rest of the day searching for the answer in this hybrid combination of animation and puppetry...
Plot: Targeted towards preschoolers, "Cleo & Cuquin" is an animated program based on the classic "Familia Telerin" cartoon. It follows the Telerin kids, Cleo and Cuquin and their friends Tete, Pelusin, Colitas, and Maripi. Together, these friends find ways to play together and use their imagination while...
Plot: "Team Umizoomi" consists of 6-year-old Milli, her brother Geo, who's 8, and their friendly robot named Bot. These mighty math superheroes introduce young viewers to the concepts of counting, measurement, shapes and patterns. Milli and Geo help other kids in Umi City with their problems, which are sent...
Plot: Martin Short provides the voice of the title character in this animated series from PBS Kids, which aims to promote children's literacy in science. It follows the magical adventures of 6-year-olds Nick and Sally, who travel the world with the Cat in the Hat as their guide. As they travel in the Cat'...
Plot: Timmy is a little lamb with a lot to learn as he heads off to nursery school. An "only lamb," he's had his own way most of the time, and he hasn't had to consider other people's feelings or share. But when he goes to Nursery, a cozy little school in an old farm building nestled in rolling hills, Timmy...
Plot: "Abby Hatcher" is a little girl who has a big heart. She tries to help her friends learn from their mistakes and mishaps while also helping them to negotiate their emotions. In Abby's world, humans coexist with Fuzzlies, creatures that have their own unique ability that makes them special. Abby's parents...
Plot: Dottie "Doc" McStuffins is a nurturing 6-year-old girl who cares for st■ animals and toys in her playhouse clinic. When she puts on her stethoscope, something magical happens -- toys, dolls and st■ animals come to life and she can communicate with them. Like any good doctor, Doc has assistants...
Plot: Getting kids to go to sleep when you want them to can be difficult. "The Pajanimals" hope to help accomplish that task. The four cuddly friends on the show snuggle together each night to sing sweet nighttime songs to their preschool friends at home. The puppet characters include bossy dog Apollo, energetic...
Plot: The intelligent, fearless heroine 8-year-old True and best friend Bartleby, the cat, helps the whimsical citizens of the Rainbow Kingdom with their problems. The Rainbow Kingdom is full of fantastical citizens of all colors and when something goes wrong True is the only one with the ability to wake...
Plot: Kids love adventures, whether they go on an adventure themselves or see someone do so in a TV show or movie. Which is what happens on "Justin Time." Justin and his make-believe friends, navigator Olive and Squidgy, a shape-shifting piece of yellow clay, go on historical adventures that let them, and...
Plot: A group of assorted trucks has fun just playing around in this animated series for preschoolers that passes along plenty of positive messages in between the energetic escapades. Chuck, a turbo-charged, pint-size dump truck, is the star of the show and hopes to one day become a racing truck like his...
Plot: Julius Jr. is a young monkey who, along with his friends, is able to make ordinary objects come to life and have fantastic adventures inside a magical playroom known as the Box. For Julius and his buddies, all it takes is their imagination mixed with an object like a rubber ball or an insect to create...
Plot: Young cats Ollie and Moon have an appetite for adventure. While they're best friends, they have different personality types. Moon is the more adventurous of the two, and Ollie tends to err on the side of caution more often than not. When the cheery Moon gets an idea, she often drags Ollie with her...
Plot: A nanny with magical powers? A dream come true! The daily lives of Jules, Lola and Baby Joe are about to take a new turn. A 100 km/hr scooter, a dragon dressed as a lobster or a bath toy which becomes a sea monster With Miss Moon anything's possible!
Plot: What adults often take for granted in life's minutiae frequently delights children. One of those kids is Luna, 6, for whom the world is a giant laboratory, filled with opportunities to learn more about what things are, and why and how scientific actions take place. Luna's passion for science prompts...