Plot: Svaty is a Ukrainian comedy series from the production company Kvartal-95. In total, six seasons were created and the musical Novogodniye Svaty. Also, a television program called Svaty u pliti, a series Baiki Mityaya, and the cartoon series Svatiki were created. Wikipedia
Plot: Svaty is a Ukrainian comedy series from the production company Kvartal-95. In total, six seasons were created and the musical Novogodniye Svaty. Also, a television program called Svaty u pliti, a series Baiki Mityaya, and the cartoon series Svatiki were created. Wikipedia
Plot: Skazochnaya Rus is a unique parody comedy animated series, where events take place in fictional Fairytale Land. Modern-day well-known politicians appear as epic heroes familiar to everyone, trying to solve today's problems in a fairy tale way. Skazochnaya Rus is a unique parody comedy animated series...