Plot: Alice Allevi is a medical student. After the death of her grandmother's caregiver, she decides to study forensic medicine. While attending college, she meets the charismatic but rather arrogant doctor Claudio Conforti. She is also fascinated by Arthur, the son of the institute manager. Alice Allevi...
Plot: Her Majesty the Queen will soon be visiting Svanbjerg. The police is called to the newly opened bank, Kontantbanken, where a ticking sound is heard from one of the boxes. Is it just a practical joke or is it a case of misdirection?
Plot: Born as a 40 minutes scientific program known as "Quark" in 1981, the TV show created by Piero Angela became the 2 hours long show known as "Superquark" in 1995
Plot: Rococo is an 18th-century art form that followed the Baroque period. It is often dismissed as not being serious, but Waldemar Januszczak disagrees. The British art critic hosts this show on which he argues that the Rococo period was the age during which the modern world was born. He describes some...