Plot: One summer night, sixth-year medical student Natsume Toru is propositioned by Shinozaki Aki. He coldly brushes her off and tells her to look for someone with money. Several days later, while on duty at Keiyu University Hospital, Toru comes across Aki once more. It turns out that she is the sister of...
Plot: Reiko, an office girl, wants to marry her boyfriend, who works in the same office. However, the situation becomes quite complicated when the young woman is promoted to manage a major project. Reiko is left feeling lost and helpless before this unexpected move by the company president. Did her father...
Plot: A young woman visits a plastic surgeon to change her face as a means of hiding from her abusive policeman husband. She asks the doctor to make her look like his first love, so he gives her the face of his wife, who died several years earlier. The two begin to fall in love, and together must hide as...
Plot: Beginning life as a simple greeting-card character, the always-cheerful Strawberry Shortcake has appeared in hundreds of products, from a memorable children's doll with scented hair to the star of numerous TV shows and video releases. This animated series, the third in the franchise, follows the tit...