Plot: Yasha is a Japanese shÅjo manga series written and illustrated by Akimi Yoshida and published by Shogakukan. It has 12 volumes, the first published on 11 December 1996 and the last on 23 August 2002. It was adapted into a Japanese television drama series in 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: It has been seven years since Min Tae Yeon was turned to a creature of the night. Together with Detective Hwang Soon Bum, he heads the unit for unsolved murder investigations while he continues to searching for the one who turned him and his sister.
Plot: Bizarre Bunch is a South Korean television series. The series is also known in English as Peculiar Man, Eccentric Woman, Bizarre Family and Odd Man and Woman. Wikipedia
Plot: Manny is a 2011 South Korean romantic comedy television series, starring Seo Ji-seok, Choi Jung-yoon, Byun Jung-soo, Jung Da-bin and Goo Seung-hyun. It aired on tvN from April 13 to June 2, 2011 for 16 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: What's Up Fox? is a 2006 South Korean television series, starring Go Hyun-jung and Chun Jung-myung. It aired on MBC from September 20 to November 9, 2006 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: A young doctor discovers that something sinister is going on in her hospital after routine procedures send more than a few seemingly healthy patients into comas on the operating table.
Plot: Hana is a shy manga artist who wants to tell the 60 year love story of her neighbors through her drawings. While uncovering details about the lives of her neighbors, Hana discovers more about herself, love, and life.
Plot: Sexi Mong is a South Korean four-part drama that was aired on Channel CGV in 2007. It is about three private investigators who fight sex crimes. Wikipedia