Plot: Cavalcade of America is an anthology drama series that was sponsored by the DuPont Company, although it occasionally presented musicals, such as an adaptation of Show Boat, and condensed biographies of popular composers. It was initially broadcast on radio from 1935 to 1953, and later on television...
Plot: Debuting in 1955, "Cheyenne" made history as television's first hourlong western and introduced brawny actor Clint Walker to the world as the jack-of-all-trades loner Cheyenne Brodie. Raised by an American Indian tribe after the death of his parents, the physically imposing Cheyenne calls upon the...
Plot: The 20th Century Fox Hour is an American drama anthology series televised in the United States on CBS from 1955 to 1957. Some of the shows in this series were restored, remastered and shown on the Fox Movie Channel in 2002 under the title Hour of Stars. Wikipedia
Plot: TV Reader's Digest is the title of a 30-minute American television anthology drama series which aired on the ABC from 1955 to 1956. Its theme music was "Polonaise" from Act III of Eugene Onegin. Wikipedia
Plot: Studio 57 is an American anthology series that was broadcast on the now-defunct DuMont Television Network from September 1954 to July 1955, and in syndication from 1955 to 1958. "It's a Small World", the pilot episode of the series Leave It to Beaver, was broadcast on the show on April 23, 1957. Wikipedia...
Plot: A drama anthology series where the cast members take up different roles for every story as narrated by the actor-director Robert Montgomery and leaves the audience with an important lesson.
Plot: Playhouse 90 was an American television anthology drama series that aired on CBS from 1956 to 1960 for a total of 133 episodes. The show was produced at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, California. Wikipedia
Plot: Armstrong Circle Theatre is an American anthology drama television series which ran from 1950 to 1957 on NBC, and then until 1963 on CBS. It alternated weekly with The U.S. Steel Hour. It finished in the Nielsen ratings at #19 for the 1950-1951 season and #24 for 1951-1952. Wikipedia
Plot: Kraft Television Theatre is an American anthology drama television series that began May 7, 1947 on NBC, airing at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings until December of that year. It first promoted MacLaren's Imperial Cheese, which was advertised nowhere else. Wikipedia
Plot: This was an anthology series that presented a different story and different set of characters on each episode. It ran from 1954 to 1958 and featured Casino Royale of James Bond fame, which led to two theatrical movies of the same name.
Plot: Lux Video Theatre is an American television anthology series that was produced from 1950 until 1957. The series presented both comedy and drama in original teleplays, as well as abridged adaptations of films and plays. Wikipedia
Plot: Schlitz Playhouse of Stars is an anthology series that was telecast from 1951 until 1959 on CBS. Offering both comedies and drama, the series was sponsored by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. The title was shortened to Schlitz Playhouse, beginning with the fall 1957 season. Wikipedia