Plot: This film tells the story of the early years of the famous Soviet commander, Grigoriy Kotovskiy, during the decline of tsarism in Russia. As a student at agricultural college in 1900, Kotovskiy meets a group of graduates who pledge eternal friendship and loyalty to one another even though their lives...
Plot: Sisters Lesia and Sasha grew up in a good but poor family. Sasha, her parents' favorite, is smart and beautiful while her sister Lesia is an unremarkable girl interested only in material things. Life changes dramatically, however, after their parents die. Having sold her flat and convincing her sister...
Plot: Pyotr Leschenko. Everything That Was... is a Russian biographical television mini-series, directed by Vladimir Kott, starring Konstantin Khabensky as Pyotr Leshchenko. Wikipedia
Plot: Leningrad 46 is a highly popular Russian television series which revolves around the story of courage, the drama of human destiny, for the first time opening up many pages of post-war life in Leningrad - harsh and sometimes cruel. Wikipedia