Genre: LGBT Year Released: 2010 First episode air date: October 18, 2009 Initial Release: 2010 Director: Eytan Fox Screenplay: Shira Artzi Language: Hebrew
Plot: Big Tony is a lovable, but not exactly honorable, former NYPD officer who never followed the rules. He lives with his son, TJ, a straight-laced NYPD detective who always follows the rules while solving Brooklyn's toughest cases. They may be an odd couple but they become unofficial partners with Tony...
Plot: Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do, until his life changes unexpectedly on a wild Miami night with a chance encounter with Noa Hollander at a fancy restaurant. Noa is an international superstar, the daughter...
Plot: Dr Mira is faced with a tough predicament when her family members are held hostage and the only way to save them is by participating in the assassination of a key political figure.
Plot: This dramatic thriller centers on four friends -- Israeli military veterans -- who reunite for a final, deeply personal rescue mission 11 years after having a bitter falling out. They travel to the Colombian jungle in search of Yaeli -- the former lover of one man and sister of another -- who they had...