Plot: The antithesis of the loving "Cosby Show" family, "Married ... With Children" focused on the Bundys, a suburban Chicago family who would rather eat nails than say a kind word to one another. Al, the patriarch, is a misogynistic shoe salesman, whose wife, Peggy, is a housewife who does no work around...
Plot: A man was wrongfully accused and sent to jail. When his sentence is over, he goes on his way of finding the people, who ruined his life and killed his family.
Plot: Star Academy is a Greek reality TV show, and a licensed version of Endemol's Star Academy. The series began on March 17, 2017 on the E Channel network and was completed on July 15, 2017. The Judges were Anna Vissi, Petros Kostopoulos, Nikos Mouratides, Nikos Karvelas and Natalia Germanou. Wikipedia
Plot: Zabranena Lyubov was a soap opera filmed in Bulgaria. Its broadcasting started on 5 October 2008, at 20:00 on Nova Television and its first season ended on 5 June 2009. The soap opera was based on the Australian TV series Sons and Daughters. Wikipedia