Plot: This documentary follows historian and writer Dr Sam Willis as he explores the Silk Road, the most famous trade route in history. Episodes track the global superhighway, which ran from Xian, China's ancient capital, through to Central Asia and Persia, reaching Istanbul and Venice. Significantly, the...
Plot: This award-winning series is a filmed journey of the history, artists and techniques of America's rich craft culture, with a particular focus on its diversity and ever-evolving ways.
Plot: Anita Rani, along with potter and ceramic designer Keith Brymer Jones and Arts and Crafts expert Patch Rogers, explore the arts and crafts movement of the Victorian era. During the four-part series, the presenters accompany six craft experts as they practice the arts and crafts formerly used by the...
Plot: Handmade Mostly explores America's finest small businesses run by women. Episodes feature female entrepreneurs and the (mostly) handmade pieces she makes and sells. Each unique product has an intriguing story, as told by the women who make them.