Plot: Oskyldigt dömd is a Swedish drama television series from 2008. The first season was recorded in twelve episodes during February 2008 to be aired later during the fall. It premiered on the Finnish TV channel FST5 on 24 September 2008 and later the same evening on Swedish TV4. The series is produced...
Plot: Tre kronor was a Swedish soap opera that aired on TV4 during the period 1994â1999. The series took place in the fictional middle class suburb Mälarviken, located in the vicinity of Stockholm. Wikipedia
Plot: The main characters, detective writer Erica and her police inspector husband Patrik, solve murder mystery crimes from the past, that float up to the surface in the idyllic fishing village of Fjallbacka.
Plot: Swedish detective Kurt Wallander investigates a series of murders in the south of the country, near Skane, uncovering corruption at the heart of the Swedish establishment. The drama is adapted from the novels by Henning Mankell.
Plot: Solsidan is a Swedish television comedy series that premiered on 29 January 2010 on TV4. The series is named after a small part of Saltsjöbaden called Solsidan. It revolves around Alex and Anna who are expecting their first child and have just moved to Alex's childhood home in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm...