Plot: A Syrian comedy series, that deals with several stories and tales in a comedic style that is critical and satirical, and criticises the social and political conditions, Maraya is one of the top Arabian series of all time.
Plot: A tumultuous life, fantastic career and volatile relationships of the legendary Yugoslav singer Toma Zdravkovic. The series follows the highs and lows of the famous bohemian and 'king of sorrow' that inspired his unique, timeless music. When the Boston Globe's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters...
Plot: Five different girls live together. Each day they face challenges, sadness, and happiness together. They love each other and they're basically a family.
Plot: Bab Al-Hara is one of the most popular television series in the Arab world, watched by tens of millions of people from "poverty-stricken Gaza to the opulent cities of the Persian Gulf." Wikipedia
Plot: In a future in which each citizen is monitored 24/7 by a drone, a woman discovers a murder unaccounted by this surveillance system, and investigates why.
Plot: The End is a 2020 Egyptian Sci-fi television drama series which premiered on ON E Network. The series was written by Amr Samir Atef and produced by Synergy Productions. It is directed by Yasser Sami. It stars Youssef El Sherif, Nahed El Sebai, Sahar El Sayegh, Ahmed Wafik, Amr Abdelgelil. Wikipedia
Plot: Weakest Link is a television game show which first appeared in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 14 August 2000 and originally ended on 31 March 2012 when its host Anne Robinson completed her contract. The original British version of the show is still aired around the world on BBC Entertainment. Wikipedia...