Plot: Akkarakkaazhchakal is a Malayalam sitcom that aired on Kairali TV from 2008 to 2010. The series consisted of fifty episodes which chronicled the lives of a middle-class Malayali family settled in the United States. The show was created by Abi Varghese and Ajayan Venugopalan and starred relative newcomers...
Plot: Host Rimy Tomy interacts with celebrities from the Malayalam film industry and discusses their upcoming films. She also involves them in fun-filled activities that include quiz and rapid fire.
Plot: `The Aliens' features an all-star cast including Michael Socha, Michaela Coel, Ashley Walters and Michael Smiley. The comedy-drama takes place in an imagined Britain where aliens have been living for the last 40 years. Even though the extraterrestrials have a human exterior and the same behavioural...
Plot: Television actress Vidhubala invites aggrieved families to put forth their disputes and concerns and helps settle the matters to the satisfaction of both the parties.