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Manhattan Connection
Description: Participants debate politics, society, culture and celebrity gossip. Genre: Horror, Talk-Show Year Released: 1993 First episode air date: October 13, 1993 Program Creator: Lucas Mendes Genre: Chat show Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Plot: A new prime-time television series that mixes travel, culture and food. Directed by award winner directors Tatiana Issa and Guto Barra and hosted by the acclaimed journalist and television personality Pedro Andrade, Pedro pelo Mundo ("The Wanderer") takes viewers on a trip around the world to explore...
Plot: Maria Beltrán gathers current newsmakers throughout the world. She and her guests discuss various subjects. Singers and bands also appear, promoting their music and new works.
Plot: Jornal da Globo is the late night news show broadcast by the Brazilian television channel Rede Globo. It doesn't have a fixed starting time, but usually airs at or after midnight, Monday to Friday evenings. Wikipedia
Plot: Host Ben Wattenberg examines public-policy issues and ideas. Weekly episodes focus on a single current event news topic, and encourage discussion amongst historians, scholars, demographers and social philosophers on the show. Ben and guests assess and examine the impact of public policy on people's...
Plot: The Noite com Danilo Gentili is a Brazilian television program hosted by the stand-up comedian Danilo Gentili, which is currently produced and broadcast by SBT. Gentili, previously, presented for about three years the Agora à Tarde, from March 29, 2011 until December 31, 2013, on Band network...
Plot: A mix of journalism, information, humor, and music. With the participation of commenters, journalists, and special guests. These issues are covered in a chat format.
Plot: Ordinary people get on the stage of "Casos de Familia" to tell their real stories and personal dramas. They share their cases with the audience, and the host guides the panelists to find a solution to their problems.
Plot: Agora à Tarde was a Brazilian late-night talk show produced by Eyeworks and broadcast by Rede Bandeirantes since 2011. The show was created and hosted by Danilo Gentili, until 2013, when he moved to SBT. Rafinha Bastos substituted him as host of the show until its cancellation in 2015. Wikipedia...