Plot: "Westside" provides viewers with a deeply personal glimpse into the journeys of nine young Los Angeles-based musicians who are following their musical dreams. Each episode sheds light on the performers' creative processes and personal struggles, using a combination of documentary footage and music...
Plot: Hercule Poirot, a famous Belgian detective, who has an impeccable knack for getting embroiled in a mystery, solves crimes along with Captain Hastings and Scotland Yard Chief Inspector James Japp.
Plot: AMC has proven its considerable skill in producing historical Western content (`Broken Trail', `Hell on Wheels'). The network dips into the same well again with the limited event series `Robert Redford's The West', a docudrama that shows how, in the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States transforms...
Plot: Richard Chamberlain stars as a priest forced to make a choice between his feelings and his ambitions in this sweeping adaptation of Colleen McCullough's novel. Set in the early 1900s on a sheep station in the Australian outback, the 1983 miniseries follows members of the Cleary family, whose move to...
Plot: Elizabeth Thatcher is a young teacher accustomed to high society, so she experiences culture shock when she gets her first classroom assignment in Coal Valley. Life in the small mining town is filled with challenges. A recent explosion has killed more than a dozen of the town's miners, compelling the...
Plot: A group of nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s deal with the pressures of their day-to-day lives while trying to cope with the changes in the world around them.
Plot: Lorelai Gilmore, an independent young woman, shares a close bond with her wilful daughter, Rory. However, her relationship with her own mother is strained.
Plot: Half-brothers Nathan and Lucas attempt to deal with their lives and bond over their love for basketball in the small town of Tree Hill, North Carolina.
Plot: As the hard-working crew members of a boat patrol the northern sea border of Australia, they face issues regarding immigration, illegal fishing as well as trafficking of drugs and people.
Plot: "Masterpiece Theatre" presents adaptations of classic literature and the work of contemporary writers as acted out by prestigious thespians. Among the stories that have been featured in the series' run are "I, Claudius," "Henry VIII" and "The Forsyte Saga."
Plot: Seeking a fresh start, a nurse practitioner moves from Los Angeles to a remote Northern California town and is surprised by what -- and who -- she finds.
Plot: High-powered career woman Abby O'Brien has made it out of her hometown of Chesapeake Shores and into the big city -- New York. When the divorced mother of twins takes a trip home, she is confronted with people from her past -- including high school sweetheart Trace, uncompromising father Mick and esteemed...