Description: Genre: Crime, Drama Year Released: 2008 Number of seasons: 2 Number of episodes: 40 First episode air date: November 15, 2008 Program Creator: Vlado Bulić
Plot: "Zakon ljubavi" is a Croatian telenovela, which began screening on 22 September 2008 on Nova TV. The series was created by Roman MajetiÄ and Nikola Ivanda, while the story was written by Jelena VeljaÄa and NataÅ¡a Antulov. It was the first telenovela produced by AVA Production which...
Plot: Four American friends reunite for a fabulous London wedding, but after a bombshell at the altar throws their lives into turmoil, they must weather a tumultuous year of romance and heartbreak.
Plot: Bitange i princeze is a situation comedy which aired from 2005 to 2010 on Croatian Radio Television. The series is set in Zagreb, and shows the daily lives of a group of five friends living in two neighbouring apartments, similar to the plot in Friends. However, it contains elements of parody. Wikipedia...
Plot: The antithesis of the loving "Cosby Show" family, "Married ... With Children" focused on the Bundys, a suburban Chicago family who would rather eat nails than say a kind word to one another. Al, the patriarch, is a misogynistic shoe salesman, whose wife, Peggy, is a housewife who does no work around...
Plot: Pride of the Ratkajs is the historical telenovela produced by AVA. The show is taking place in the most turbulent period of the Croatian and Yugoslav history, in the period from 1938 to 1948, follows the life of a noble Croatian family of its pre-war ascent, until after World War II. World War II, which...
Plot: "Pod sretnom zvijezdom" is a Croatian telenovela written by Diana PeÄkaj VukoviÄ. Main director is Branko Ivanda, while the other directors include Daniel KuÅ¡an, Mladen Dizdar, Aldo Tardozzi and Tomislav Rukavina. Telenovela started filming February 6, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: The main charactors are Miljenko, his wife Matilda and their son Filip, a high school student. Matilda's father also lives with them. They often struggle with money and undesired guests.
Plot: Sunday Morning, Saturday Evening is a sitcom taking place in a neighborhood. The humor is not too nice, the protagonists are not too typical and the situations not too usual. It is hard to believe that the situations have originated in the real life although, in most cases, they really have. Sunday...
Plot: Responsible jobs, the lives of unknown and famous people in the hands of the doctors and nurses in emergency room. Quick decisions are their everyday life, which leaves deep psychological and physical traces. Due to the nature of the work, they often feel like serving a punishment, as heroes who 'just...
Plot: Bibin svijet is a humorous series that started broadcasting on April 18, 2006, and ended on January 15, 2011 on the RTL TV program in Croatia. Bibin svijet was directed by Aldo Tardozzi. It is one of the few Croatian series that was aired long after it was shot. Wikipedia
Plot: Fueled by romance, friendship, gender politics, love and of course, sex, this half-hour serialized comedy continues the story from the same-named 1992 American romantic comedy film, in which a successful executive finds out his boss is a bigger deviant than he is. The updated version follows the lives...