Plot: OK, Il Prezzo è Giusto! is an Italian adaptation of the American game show The Price Is Right that aired on Italia 1, Canale 5 and Rete 4. It was hosted by Gigi Sabani, Iva Zanicchi, Emanuela Folliero and Maria Teresa Ruta with the first version being hosted by a man then the later three versions...
Plot: Fantastico was an Italian Saturday night variety show broadcast by Rai 1 from 1979 to 1991, with an interruption in 1980, when it was replaced by the game show Scacco matto. Wikipedia
Plot: Canzonissima was an Italian musical variety show broadcast by Rai 1 from 1958 to 1974, aired on Saturday evening except for the last two editions in which it was aired on Sunday afternoon. The program was referred to as "the synthesis and the model of comparison of the Italian television variety"....
Plot: A young girl has been left an orphan but in the custody of her step parents. From the afterlife, her parents look out for her and don't like the treatment she is getting.