Plot: If you thought all of the dinosaurs died millions of years ago, you're wrong. It turns out there's one left, Denver, who has been unearthed and released from his egg by a group of 20th-century California teens. The kids try to keep their new friend a secret from other people while teaching him some...
Plot: Las FierbinÈi is a Romanian sitcom that premiered on Pro TV on March 1, 2012, created by Mimi BrÄnescu, and directed by DragoÈ Buliga and Constantin Popescu. Set in a rural place FierbinÈi, the series follows the social and romantic lives of the inhabitants from...
Plot: Burlacul is a Romanian reality television dating game show debuting in 2010 on Antena 1. The first season was hosted by Lucian Marinescu, in season 2 he was replaced by host and designer CÄtÄlin Botezatu. From season 6 onwards, the series will be hosted by RÄzvan Fodor. There...
Plot: Samantha Willows, a college freshman, looks to pledge a sorority. Unbeknownst to Sam, it is haunted by a former pledge taking revenge on those who wronged her.
Plot: Cronica CârcotaÅilor is a weekly satire show on Prima TV hosted by Èerban Huidu, CodruÈ KegheÈ, Cristian Hrubaru and Ioana Petric. Wikipedia