Plot: Mentalist Uri Geller and "mindfreaking" illusionist Criss Angel put 10 carefully screened contestants through a series of demonstrations in a search to find the next world-class professional mentalist. In each episode, the contestants demonstrate their talents before a series of celebrity guests and...
Plot: A team of experts explores incredible natural phenomena using experiments and archival footage, showing what it's like to experience some of nature's most destructive forces.
Plot: In this series Professor Brian Cox explores some of the world's most spectacular sights by explaining how the forces of the universe have impacted Earth. The host discusses the planet's beauty in terms of shapes, colours and movement. In the first episode Cox reveals why there are intricate patterns...
Plot: Documentary series looking at the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on the planet, showing how life responds to natural events which can dramatically transform entire landscapes.
Plot: Experiencing the planet's natural beauty through an examination of how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.
Plot: Examine how a lava gush flooded an area as large as France and partially caused the dinosaurs' demise, but also helped the emergence of mammals and new life forms.