Plot: In misty Rudrakund, the brutal murder of a school student pushes troubled teacher Jayant Parekh and cop Ratna Sankhawar to unravel a web of sinister secrets involving rave parties, cold cases, a demon in the woods and a hallucinogen, Candy The horrific murder of a high-school student in Rudrakund forces...
Plot: Sejuta Cinta Marshanda is a television drama that aired on RCTI and TV3 in Indonesia. Actors include Marshanda, Baim Wong, Ashraf Sinclair, Ben Kasyafani, Tsania Marwa, Ibnu Jamil, Putri Patricia, Wilda Hamid, Meriam Bellina, Annie Anwar, and Vicky Burky. Wikipedia
Plot: Yusra dan Yumna is an Indonesian soap opera that aired on RCTI Monday-Friday at 19:00 pm. This soap opera produced by SinemArt, and stars such as: Nikita Willy, Putri Titian, Rezky Aditya, Nadya Almira, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Putri yang Ditukar is an Indonesian television serial. It is the third long-running drama with 676 episodes after Cinta Fitri with 1002 episodes. It was formerly the second long-running drama until Tukang Bubur Naik Haji The Series broke the record with 2185 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Young Cinderella, struggling with abuse from her stepmother and stepsisters, receives help from her fairy godmother and animal friends while finding adventure and romance with a dashing man who hides the fact that he is a prince.
Plot: Kejora dan Bintang is an Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Erlanda Gunawan. Wikipedia
Plot: Kutunggu Kau Dipasar Minggu The Series is a soap opera that aired on RCTI in daily at 17:00-18:00 WIB, 18:00-19:00 WITA, and 19:00-20:00 WIT. This soap opera produced by SinemArt. Players such as Nikita Willy, Giorgino Abraham, Winona Willy, Cut Meyriska, Cinta Laura, and much more. Wikipedia
Plot: Amanah dalam Cinta is an Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Indrayanto Kurniawan. Wikipedia
Plot: Safa dan Marwah is an Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Desiana Larasati. Wikipedia
Plot: Kejora dan Bintang is an Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Erlanda Gunawan. Wikipedia
Plot: Alisa รข Folge deinem Herzen was a German telenovela. It was filmed in the Potsdam Studio Babelsberg for ZDF in co-production with ORF and SF. 370 episodes were produced in two series between 2009 and 2010. Wikipedia