Plot: Chef/restaurateur Aarón Sánchez specializes in Latin cuisine and uses the knowledge in this series that finds him exploring Hispanic foods in major U.S. cities. In each episode, Sánchez visits a city to explore the local taco scene, visiting eateries and talking to chefs, families and locals...
Plot: Many of the most popular taco styles have long and rich, but little-known, histories; this docuseries explores some of them in this eye-opening, mouthwatering food adventure.
Plot: Visiting the best and most delicious taco spots around the United States and the world. Host Rossan Anil visits Fresco's Catina in Queens to check out their fusion tacos and also California to check out taco food trucks.
Plot: A teenager navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers; based on Charles Forsman's graphic novel.