Description: Teens with dreams that they can't possibly reach under normal circumstances, are given a little help from MTV & their MADE coach to reach their goals. Genre: Reality-TV Year Released: 2003 Number of seasons: 13 Number of episodes: 324 First episode air date: January 10, 2003
Plot: Jane Villanueva's life turns upside down after she gets artificially inseminated. She is in for a greater shock when she discovers that the biological donor is her boss and former crush.
Plot: Katie Otto, a mother of three children, struggles to fit in with wealthy people in her new neighbourhood while looking after her husband and kids.
Plot: The Greenleaf family, which runs sprawling Memphis megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries, appears to be a loving and caring clan. Beneath the surface, though, exists scandalous secrets and lies. Greed, adultery and sibling rivalry are among the issues that threaten to test the family's faith...
Plot: More than a decade after the original series went off the air, Netflix reboots the "Queer Eye" franchise with a new Fab Five and a new setting, trading in the concrete jungle of New York City for communities in and around Atlanta. The style experts forge relationships with men and women who often have...
Plot: This reimagining of the classic book and film is a coming-of-age story about a young orphan who is seeking love, acceptance and her place in the world. Amybeth McNulty stars as Anne, a 13-year-old who has endured an abusive childhood in orphanages and the homes of strangers. In the late 1890s, Anne...
Plot: Based on the 1996 Margaret Atwood novel of the same name, "Alias Grace" tells the story of young Grace Marks, a poor Irish immigrant and domestic servant in Upper Canada who is accused and convicted of the 1843 murder of her employer and his housekeeper. Stablehand James McDermott is also convicted...
Plot: Atlanta is one of the top cities for young rappers looking to make a name for themselves in the business. Among those up-and-comers is Alfred Miles, a hot new artist who is trying to understand the line between real life and street life. He is managed by his cousin, Earn, who gets caught up in the...
Plot: "Queen Sugar" tells the story of the estranged Bordelon siblings in Louisiana. At the center of the family are Nova, a journalist and activist; Charley, the wife and manager of an NBA player; and formerly incarcerated father Ralph Angel, who is searching for redemption. Following a tragedy in the family...
Plot: The Atlanta housewives continue to live their fabulous lives in Georgia's capital city in this incarnation of the popular reality TV franchise. Relationships, a staple of the `Real Housewives' shows, take centre stage as usual as the ladies' love lives experience ups and downs. The sassy women's entrepreneurial...
Plot: Inspired by Sophia Amoruso's best-selling book, this series follows the rise of Amoruso's multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal. Britt Robertson plays the starring role of Sophia, a rebellious, broke anarchist who decides to start selling vintage clothing online. As her passion -- and retail...
Plot: RuPaul is back to preside over the fourth season of this series that promises more stunning fashions, killer lip-syncs, and jaw-dropping twists than ever before. It brings back contestants who have previously competed on her Emmy-winning "Drag Race" series. The returning court battle it out on the...
Plot: Follow the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan, as they indulge in adventures which make their lives both troublesome and happening.
Plot: The world's most famous drag queen returns for a second season of the competition show. RuPaul wears three different hats -- host, judge and, as the debonair Mr. RuPaul, a mentor -- in this reality series that pits 11 contestants against each other, all vying for the title of America's next "Drag Queen...
Plot: Selling real estate in the Los Angeles market can be glorious, given the area's sunny location and an abundance of the rich and famous living there. It can also be cutthroat as agents fight over clients and properties. "Selling Sunset" showcases the drama at The Oppenheim Group, where elite real estate...
Plot: Rescued after 15 years in a cult, Kimmy Schmidt decides to reclaim her life by venturing to New York, where she experiences everyday life with wide-eyed enthusiasm. On a whim, she rents a room from Titus, a gay wannabe Broadway actor, who makes ends meet as a street performer in Times Square. The unlikely...
Plot: It's the 1920s and Spain has just gotten its first national telephone company, located in Madrid. For four young women who get jobs there, it's more than just work. It represents progress that is being made at the time as women are gaining more equality with men. This drama series follows the ladies...
Plot: In the blink of an eye, Diane Lockhart, a lawyer, loses her entire life savings due to a scam. She is then forced to find a job and start afresh.
Plot: Putting together a magazine is not an easy task, requiring a lot of teamwork to finish the job and get the publication on newsstand shelves. That's why the staffers responsible for producing global women's magazine Scarlet lean on one another as they try to find their own voices. While working together...
Plot: Based on an award-winning play ("The Audience") by showrunner Peter Morgan, this lavish, Netflix-original drama chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times. The series begins with an inside look at the early reign of the queen, who ascended the throne at age 25 after the...
Plot: In 1989 a jogger was assaulted and raped in New York's Central Park, and five young people were subsequently charged with the crime. The quintet, labeled the Central Park Five, maintained its innocence and spent years fighting the convictions, hoping to be exonerated. This limited series spans a quarter...
Plot: While New York witnesses the evolution of the ball culture and the rise of the Trump-era, an LGBTQ ball fixture, Blanca, starts her own house and turns mother to a gifted dancer and a sex worker.
Plot: A modernized reboot of the 1980s primetime soap follows two of America's wealthiest families, the Carringtons and the Colbys, as they feud for control over their fortune and their children. Told primarily through the perspectives of two women at odds -- Fallon Carrington, daughter of billionaire Blake...
Plot: Best friends Issa and Molly belong to the same social background and face similar experiences. They always strive to find solutions to their problems by facing them together.
Plot: When a teen reports being raped, then recants her story, two female detectives follow evidence that could reveal the truth; based on a true story.
Plot: Katy designs clothes for anyone she can, including her friend and roommate Josie, whose singing talent catches the attention of Alexander Cabot, a CEO who hopes to reboot the record label division of his father's corporate empire. But Alexander's dream of signing Josie to a recording contract meets...
Plot: In Los Angeles, three Mexican-American cousins chase the American Dream, even while that dream threatens the things they hold most dear, including their neighborhood, their immigrant grandfather and the family-owned taco shop.
Plot: A tycoon in the music industry plans to secure the future of his company by pitting his sons against each other. Meanwhile, his ex-wife plots to reclaim her share of the business.
Plot: For as long as they can recall, Grace and Frankie have been rivals. Their one-upmanship comes crashing to a halt, however, when they learn that their husbands have fallen in love with each other and want to get married. As everything around the ladies is coming apart, the only thing they can really...
Plot: Will, a gay lawyer, allows his best friend Grace, an interior designer, to stay in his house for a temporary period after her marriage falls apart. But she ends up being his permanent roommate.
Plot: Comic Aziz Ansari and writer Alan Yang are the creators of this Netflix-original comedy, which is loosely based on Ansari's real-life experiences. Ansari plays the role of Dev, a New York-based actor who is struggling to identify what he really wants, both personally and professionally. The series reveals...
Plot: Blair Waldorf is a popular student at her private school and envied by one and all. But, her perfect life is unsettled when her ex-best friend enrols in the same institution.
Plot: Half-brothers Nathan and Lucas attempt to deal with their lives and bond over their love for basketball in the small town of Tree Hill, North Carolina.
Plot: Lorelai Gilmore, an independent young woman, shares a close bond with her wilful daughter, Rory. However, her relationship with her own mother is strained.