Plot: The Opposite Direction is a Political debate TV show handling current events in the Middle East, and the Arab world. The topics handled are mostly influenced by political, economical or social topics, But there have been occasions where the discussion visited sensitive religious topics related to the...
Plot: The Hidden is More Immense or This is Only the Tip of the Iceberg is an Arabic political investigative journalism TV series focusing mainly on the current events in the Middle East, and the Muslim world. The program is produced and aired by Al Jazeera and is presented by Tamer Al Misshal. Wikipedia
Plot: Talking Point is an Australian television series which aired 1960 to 1962 on Sydney station ATN-7. It was a discussion series featuring a panel of four. Angus Maude was the original host, later it was hosted by Joe Gullett. Wikipedia
Plot: Joe Show is an Arabic talk show and political satire television program hosted by the Egyptian comedian Youssef Hussein and it airs each Thursday. The show deals mainly the events in the Arab world in a comic and cynical manner. Wikipedia