Plot: When the father of two young boys dies in a car accident, their mother is so overwhelmed with grief that she abandons the children and leaves everything behind. The brothers are taken to an orphanage, but are later taken in by a rich family.
Plot: Honey is excited to attend a parenting class that encourages moms to listen to their babies taught by self-proclaimed child sage, Wilhelmina Page (Niecy Nash), but when her mother, Fay (Cheryl Hines), ridicules the idea, it exposes communication issues of their own. When Honey turns to Jessica for support...
Plot: The everyday lives of military wives set against the backdrop of historical events. Spanning several generations of the Antonov-Terekhov family, the women must deal with obstacles that come with living in a tough military environment.
Plot: Each episode has a closed space and 2-3 characters, between which a drama takes place, ending in an explosion (literally or figuratively). Time is continuous: only today and now.
Plot: Catherine Beaulieu est une trentenaire déjantée, obstinée, profiteuse, un peu naïve et sexy qui n'a pas vraiment le sens des responsabilités. Elle cohabite avec son amie d'enfance, la très organisée Sophie Gaucher, une spécialiste de l'humour noir et des remarques assassines. Elles travaillent...