Plot: Interns is a Russian television medical sitcom produced by NTV-Kino, which aired on the TNT Russia channel from March 29, 2010 to February 25, 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: From Emmy Award winner Dick Wolf and the team behind "FBI" and the "Law & Order" franchise, "FBI: Most Wanted" is a high-stakes drama focusing on the Fugitive Task Force, which relentlessly tracks and captures the notorious criminals on the Bureau's Most Wanted list. Seasoned agent Jess LaCroix oversees...
Plot: Reality TV veteran Mark Burnett is an executive producer on this show in which contestants go on a high-risk adventure filled with extraordinary challenges. Teams of three compete in the show, which consists of 10 legs going across Morocco, with only one trio able to claim victory by being the first...
Plot: "How the West Was Won" is the story of rugged mountain man Zeb Macahan (played by a post-"Gunsmoke" James Arness), who is forced to care for his brother's four children after the outbreak of the Civil War interrupts the family's planned trek west. The children's widowed Aunt Molly travels from Boston...
Plot: He's the Mayor is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from January 10 to March 21, 1986. It stars Kevin Hooks as a 25-year-old man who is elected mayor of his hometown. Wikipedia
Plot: From Mark Burnett Productions comes this eight-part series that chronicles the historical adventure of four elite explorers deep in the wilds of Tanzania. Using only a compass and basic maps, navigator Pasquale Scaturro, wildlife expert Mireya Mayor, survivalist Benedict Allen and journalist Kevin...
Plot: Pink Panther and Sons is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and Mirisch-Geoffrey-DePatie-Freleng. The series was originally broadcast on NBC from 1984 to 1985 and moved to ABC in 1986. Wikipedia
Plot: A woman sentenced to prison for a murder she didn't commit flees from police and an assassin and, together with her husband, seeks to bring the true criminal to justice.
Plot: Twelve-year-old Jamie McPheeters, along with his father and a group of pioneers, travel westward from Paducah, Ky., to the California gold fields in 1849.
Plot: Reality TV veteran Mark Burnett is an executive producer on this show in which contestants go on a high-risk adventure filled with extraordinary challenges. Teams of three compete in the show, which consists of 10 legs going across Morocco, with only one trio able to claim victory by being the first...