Plot: Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Hayes, pop icon Andy Warhol, singer Billie Holliday and composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein...
Plot: Casey McCall and Dan Rydell are sports anchors for a show where they present up-to-date sports updates. However, the creative team faces ethical issues under pressure in order to produce a good show.
Plot: Set in the upscale town of Pine Valley, Pa., a fictional suburb of Philadelphia, "All My Children" revolves around the intertwined relationships and secrets of several families and has a history of controversial yet socially relevant storylines dealing with topics like abortion in the 1970s, AIDs in...
Plot: "All in the Family" is touted as the series that brought reality to prime-time TV entertainment. The lead character, Archie Bunker, is a loudmouthed, uneducated bigot who believes in every stereotype he has ever heard. His wife, Edith, is sweet but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They and their...
Plot: Alcoa Premiere is an American anthology drama series that aired from October 1961 to July 1963 on ABC. The series was hosted by Fred Astaire, who also starred in several of the episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: The Leslie Uggams Show is an American variety television series starring actress/singer Leslie Uggams. The series aired on CBS as part of its 1969 fall lineup, and was the second variety series to feature an African American host, the first since 1956's The Nat King Cole Show. Wikipedia
Plot: Butler Benson DuBois is the smartest (and possibly only sane) member of widowed Gov. Eugene Gatling's household staff. Benson always manages to keep his head, no matter what the staffers or the governor's family members throw at him. He begins his post on loan from his employer, Jessica Tate (Katherine...
Plot: The soap-operish antics of two families: the Campbells and the Tates. Parody of television soap-operas--the show's humor relies on exaggerating soap-operas' characteristic plot implausibility and melodrama to ridiculous extremes, then adds a fair bit of the truly bizarre, including some remarkable...
Plot: The Bell Telephone Hour is a concert series which began April 29, 1940, on NBC Radio and was heard on NBC until June 30, 1958. Sponsored by Bell Telephone as the name implies, it showcased the best in classical and Broadway music, reaching eight to nine million listeners each week. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on Alex Haley's family history. Kunta Kinte is sold into the slave trade after being abducted from his African village, and is taken to the United States. Kinte and his family observe notable events in American history, such as the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, slave uprisings and emancipation...
Plot: Liza with a "Z": A Concert for Television is a 1972 concert film made for television and starring Liza Minnelli. The film was produced by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse. Fosse also directed and choreographed the concert, and Ebb wrote and arranged the music with his song-writing partner John Kander. Wikipedia...