Plot: Prince + Princess 2 is a 2008 to 2009 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television drama. The television drama was produced by Comic Ritz International Production, starring Dylan Kuo and Annie Chen. It was first aired on December 14, 2008 on CTS channel. Its final episode was aired on April 5, 2009 with a...
Plot: After Oliver left her at the altar on their wedding day, Andrea's heart got shattered into pieces. In order to move on from such heartache, Andrea decides to distract herself by taking on a new job as an Executive Assistant to a newly-single clothing line magnate, Jaime. Her career move not only benefitted...
Plot: Following a group of Republic of China Air Force pilots and their families during the Chinese Communist Revolution (1945-49) in mainland China and the White Terror period (1949-87) in Taiwan.
Plot: Christmas in Eternity Springs After a devastating betrayal, Claire Branham packs up the pieces of her life, along with a twenty-million-dollar secret, and moves to Eternity Springs. ... Google Books
Plot: I Love You So Much is a 2012 Taiwanese romantic-comedy television series. The television drama was produced by Meng Tian Chong Production Company, starring Lan Cheng-lung, Nick Chou and Li Jia Ying. It was first aired on January 29, 2012 on CTS. Wikipedia