Plot: Idol School is a South Korean variety show, which aired on MBC Music, MBC's cable and satellite network for music. The show is hosted by Jun Hyun-moo, singer Kim Yeon-woo and Sojin of Girl's Day. Wikipedia
Plot: HBO's decidedly adult animated comedy series ventures into the nether regions of Earth's least inhabitable environment, New York City, which is home to a motley crew of downtrodden creatures. Whether it's lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife crisis, the...
Plot: Love Letter is a 2003 South Korean television series starring Jo Hyun-jae, Soo Ae and Ji Jin-hee. It aired on MBC from February 10 to April 1, 2003 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes. This drama revolves around Lee Woo-jin's conflict between priesthood and his love for childhood friend...
Plot: 1000 Song Challenge, also known as Challenge 1000 Songs, is a South Korean karaoke singing competition television series, which aired on SBS from 2000 to 2014. During the show, guests compete by singing popular songs accurately from memory. The songs are chosen randomly from a pool of 1000 songs. Wikipedia...
Plot: Explorers of the Human Body was one of the three shows of the newly revamped Good Sunday, a lineup of variety shows that airs every Sunday evening at 5:30 pm KST on SBS. Wikipedia