Plot: This Emmy Award-winning studio show, which airs following each NBA telecast on TNT, is hosted by Ernie Johnson, with analysis from Hall of Famer Charles Barkley and NBA champions Kenny Smith and Shaquille O'Neal. It's a mix of highlights, interviews and hijinks, notably the verbal sparring sessions...
Plot: Basketball superstar Shaquille O'Neal and a team of experts put six Florida middle-school students through a challenging program to get them into better shape and teach them healthier living skills.
Plot: Mo'Nique's Fat Chance was a reality TV miniseries. It featured 10 plus-sized women competing in a beauty pageant to become "Miss F.A.T.," which is explained as "Fabulous and Thick." It is hosted by actress Mo'Nique and has aired since 2005 on the Oxygen network. Wikipedia
Plot: Remember the career of the late sporting icon Kobe Bryant, as he joins former Los Angeles Lakers teammate Shaquille O'Neal to reflect on their three NBA Championships together.
Plot: The best friends featured in this series have more than mutual companionship in common: They are either the wife, ex-wife or girlfriend of an NBA superstar. Though they drive expensive cars, live in mansions and wear designer clothes and jewelry, life is not always glamorous. Protecting what they have...