Plot: Baseball IQ is an American television game show airing on the cable channel MLB Network. The show debuted on January 24, 2012, and its first season is scheduled to end on February 23, 2012, with the season championship. The show is hosted by MLB Network anchor Matt Vasgersian. The show's focus is baseball...
Plot: Sunday Afternoon Baseball is the de facto branding used for nationally televised live game telecasts of Major League Baseball games on Sunday afternoons during the regular season. Wikipedia
Plot: MLB Network Showcase is the title of a presentation of Major League Baseball on cable and satellite channel MLB Network, that premiered on April 9, 2009. Longtime NBC Sports broadcaster Bob Costas is one of the play-by-play voices of the broadcasts. Matt Vasgersian also does play-by-play on some games...
Plot: The Baseball Network was a short-lived television broadcasting joint venture between ABC, NBC and Major League Baseball. Under the arrangement, beginning in the 1994 season, the league produced its own in-house telecasts of games, which were then brokered to air on ABC and NBC. Wikipedia
Plot: Mets Hot Stove is a program airing of SportsNet New York which focuses on the offseason activities of the New York Mets. It is hosted by Mets sideline reporter Kevin Burkhardt, as well as many other baseball experts, writers, and players. Wikipedia
Plot: Kiner's Korner was a post game interview show following New York Mets home games hosted by Mets broadcaster Ralph Kiner. It debuted on April 30, 1963, with guests Buddy Hackett and Phil Foster. Wikipedia
Plot: The Baseball Bunch is an American educational children's television series that originally aired in broadcast syndication from August 23, 1980 through the fall of 1985. Wikipedia
Plot: Beer Money is a sports game show, when Don Jamieson and Mayleen Ramey go to quiz New Yorkers on their beloved New York sports teams, at local bars. In some episodes, they can be seen at Citi Field or outside of Madison Square Garden or New Meadowlands Stadium. The first question is worth $10. Wikipedia...
Plot: Wednesday Night Baseball is a live game telecast of Major League Baseball that airs every Wednesday night during the regular season on ESPN. Wikipedia