Plot: A new prime-time television series that mixes travel, culture and food. Directed by award winner directors Tatiana Issa and Guto Barra and hosted by the acclaimed journalist and television personality Pedro Andrade, Pedro pelo Mundo ("The Wanderer") takes viewers on a trip around the world to explore...
Plot: Fábio Porchat and Rosana Hermann conduct a travel chat with different guests, from media personalities to people who want to tell their stories around the world.
Plot: Following Lorraine Bracco's journey to renovate a 200-year-old property in the tiny hilltop town of Sambuca di Sicilia with help from an architect, a contractor and other local experts.
Plot: Roda Viva is a Brazilian talk show produced and broadcast by TV Cultura since 29 September 1986, traditionally on Monday nights, currently airing at 10 PM. Several political leaders, writers, philosophers, artists, and notable people were interviewed in the show. Wikipedia