Plot: English historian Michael Wood explores China's heritage in this travelogue series. The presenter goes back in time to discover the stories and people who have shaped the landscape, and the culture, of today's superpower. Wood begins his journey in Wuxi, where 300 relatives of the Qin family congregate...
Plot: China is a land full of extreme contrasts with its great blending of skyscrapers and ancient civilizations. The steep river valleys and harsh desert landscapes provide an epic cross-country journey that spans nearly 5,000 years of history. Soar over the valleys and other natural wonders like Mount...
Plot: Love Is All Around is a Chinese drama which was co-produced by Media Prima Berhad and MediaCorp TV. It was screened on every weekday night at 9:45 pm. It was telecasted on Malaysia's ntv7 channel and later, was telecasted on Singapore's free-to-air channel, MediaCorp Channel 8. Wikipedia