Plot: Gino D'Acampo returns with another series exploring the culinary treasures of his homeland, Italy. This time the chef travels off the beaten track to discover local traditions, culture and stunning landscapes. Over the episodes he visits seven regions beginning in Abruzzo, before moving North to Trentino...
Plot: Judith Chalmers, Johnny Ball, Rula Lenska, Ian Lavender and Diana Moran embark on a journey to Italy in search of La Dolce Vita. They make their homes in beautiful villas, from which they explore the wonders of Italian life, attempt to learn a bit of the language, understand the differences in culture...
Plot: Chef Evan Funke goes on a whirlwind tour of Italy to find the last remaining masters of pasta; he uncovers the craft and culture behind some rare and forgotten pasta shapes.
Plot: Chef Jamie Oliver travels across Italy to learn traditional recipes using locally sourced ingredients and prepares healthy and tasty local dishes.
Plot: TV chef Gino D'Acampo travels to Sardinia and Sicily, Italy's two largest islands, to unveil some of the region's best-kept culinary secrets. Sardinia being a home from home for the chef, he goes further in exploring the island's landscape and local history. In a traditional Italian Festa, D'Acampo...