Plot: Super Sábados was a TV game and variety show of Telemundo Puerto Rico, which aired from 1984 to 1991. From 1987 to 1989, was also broadcast by Telemundo Network in the United States. In many cities, it competed with the Univision game show "Sabado Gigante". Wikipedia
Plot: El Show de las 12 is a Puerto Rican midday variety television series airing on WKAQ-TV, and later on the nationwide Telemundo network, and hosted by Eddie Miro for most of its run. It aired every week-day for 40 years until its cancellation on February 25, 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: Tanairà is a 1985 telenovela produced in Puerto Rico with a plot regarding slavery on the island while under Spanish rule. Tanairà is the setting for the series, the name of the hacienda where the story takes place. The series theme song "Soledad" was performed by Nydia Caro. Wikipedia
Plot: A feast with Altagracia, who is a maid from the Dominican Republic that always has her friend Guille to help her deal with the annoyances of her cranky boss or her boyfriend.
Plot: Minga y Petraca was a television show produced in Puerto Rico by Antonio "El Gangster" Sanchez since 1992 up until early 2005 on Telemundo Puerto Rico, channel 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Noche de Gala was a television variety show produced by Paquito Cordero. It originated in San Juan, Puerto Rico for broadcast by WKAQ-TV Telemundo on Channel 2. Wikipedia