Plot: UNHhhh is an American comedy web series that stars drag queens Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova. The series is produced by World of Wonder Productions, which also produces RuPaul's Drag RaceΓ’a reality competition in which drag performers compete for titles and prizes. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ricki Lake hosted a successful daytime talk show from 1993 to 2004. She now returns to the genre with a less confrontational show than her previous effort. As Lake has gotten older and more mature -- as has her former audience -- her show now presents topical conversation that reflects her own personal...
Plot: Three different fan favorites must give three different A-listers drag makeovers, and their queens battle it out in classic competitions for the title of America's Next Celebrity Drag Superstar and prize money for the charity of their choice.
Plot: The RuPaul Show is an American talk/variety show that premiered on VH1 in 1996. Hosted by the drag performer RuPaul, the show had many famous musical guests and was notable as being one of the first national television programs in the United States hosted by an openly gay host. Wikipedia
Plot: I Like to Watch is a 2019 American web series hosted by drag queens Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova. The series is produced by Netflix, and streams on the network's YouTube channel. Wikipedia
Plot: The world's most famous drag queen returns for a second season of the competition show. RuPaul wears three different hats -- host, judge and, as the debonair Mr. RuPaul, a mentor -- in this reality series that pits 11 contestants against each other, all vying for the title of America's next "Drag Queen...
Plot: This series shows what happens behind the scenes of the competition series "RuPaul's Drag Race," providing viewers with a look at what they don't see on the show -- the backstage battles, catfights and secrets. The drag queens let their emotions out as they crack under the pressure of competing to...
Plot: RuPaul is back to preside over the fourth season of this series that promises more stunning fashions, killer lip-syncs, and jaw-dropping twists than ever before. It brings back contestants who have previously competed on her Emmy-winning "Drag Race" series. The returning court battle it out on the...
Plot: "The Trixie & Katya Show" features drag queens Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova, who rose to fame on the seventh season of "RuPaul's Drag Race." Trixie and Katya discuss topics from all walks of life, including the ins-and-outs of hooking up, funerals, diseases and natural disasters. They discuss...
Plot: Comedian Jonny McGovern hosts Hey Qween! Jonny and his sidekick, drag diva Lady Red Couture, riff about current hot topics and interview amazing LGBT guests!
Plot: Created by Rosie O'Donnell, "The Big Gay Sketch Show" is a vaudeville-style sketch program in which the comedy skits feature gay and lesbian themes. Like more mainstream sketch comedy shows, it features recurring characters like the gay werewolf, a normally straight man who turns gay and hairy under...
Plot: The Boulet Brothers host a competition - featuring morbid themes and dark challenges - for nine drag performers, looking to find the world's first drag supermonster.
Plot: Comedian Jonny McGovern hosts Hey Qween! Jonny and his sidekick, drag diva Lady Red Couture, riff about current hot topics and interview amazing LGBT guests!
Plot: Less than a week after The Vivienne was crowned the UK's first drag superstar, she and all the queens from season one of `RuPaul's Drag Race UK' embarked on a UK tour.
Plot: Following huge success in the US, RuPaul comes to the UK in search of the most charismatic, talented and glamorous drag queens from across the land. Ten spotlight-loving queens compete in a series of weekly challenges designed to test their skill as entertainers, to see who will be crowned the UK's...